Submit a Quarterly Report

Learn how to submit the required, quarterly CCG reports with updates of your grant project activities.

Community Challenge Grants uses a schedule for reports and payments every three months. Reports are due 15 days after the report period or 30 days after the report period if it is a final report.

Here’s the common timeline:

  • Report Period: January 1 - March 31. Report Due: April 15
  • Report Period: April 1 - June 30. Report Due: July 15
  • Report Period: July 1 - September 30. Report Due: October 15
  • Report Period: October 1 - December 31. Report Due: January 15

Follow the steps below to prepare your report updates and request funds.


Draft Your Report Narrative

Use this report template to write about your project’s progress. This helps us understand what you have done, what went well, and any challenges you faced. Limit responses to 3500 characters (including spaces) for "expand on the work plan..." and 1600 characters maximum for "strengthened community ties..."


Update Your Work Plan

Your work plan is a list of approved activities in your grant project. Use the custom work plan template from the Grants Manager. If you do not have it, email For each activity, write a short update (one or two sentences) in the appropriate column about what you did. Describe any delays. 


Take Pictures

Include “before and after” photos of important steps in your project. Make sure you have permission to use these photos and that we can also use them for social media. If this is the final report, include a photo of your project’s approved signage, which must include CCG's logo.


Get the Submission Link

After each report period, the primary contact on your grant will get a link to submit the report. This report is due 15 days after the end of each report period (30 days for a final report). If you don’t get the link a week after the period ends, email


Complete the AirTable Form

The AirTable form will already have some information filled in, like report dates and your contract ID. You will need to fill in the answers to the questions, upload your work plan updates, and add photos with captions. If there are any problems, first try to clear the form (via the Clear form link at the bottom of the form) and start again before emailing CCG.


Email Any Report Revisions

After you submit your report online, the CCG team will review it. They might ask you to update your work plan or send extra information. You can email any changes to


Send Your Funding Request

After you’ve sent in your quarterly report, you can start working on the funding request for that same time period. Follow these instructions carefully to submit your reimbursement request.