Structural Advisory Committee

Convened to make recommendations to the Director of Building Inspection on certain proposed projects.



A Structural Advisory Committee meets when projects involving special features or special design procedures are submitted for review.


Structural Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting
Structural Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting


The Structural Advisory Committee is a group of experts created under Section 105.6 and of the San Francisco Building Code. A 3-member Structural Advisory Committee is formed to provide independent expert review and to make recommendations to the Director of Building Inspection.

Qualified potential committee members

A 3-member Structural Advisory Committee will be convened for each relevant building project. They will be selected based on their knowledge in the structural engineering and construction issues presented by the project. One will be chosen by the Director of DBI, one will be chosen by the building's owner, and one will be chosen jointly.


Potential members are selected from a list of qualified engineers submitted by the Structural Engineers Association of Northern California. All are approved by the Director of DBI.


See additional requirements for projects in slope protection areas.

Frank L. RolloGeotechnical Engineer
Lou Gilpin, Ph.D.Certified Engineering Geologist
John H. HomStructural Engineer
John WallaceCertified Engineering Geologist
Donald J. HodsonCivil Engineer


SecretaryJaney Chan

Contact information

Structural Advisory Committee49 South Van Ness Avenue
Suite 590
San Francisco, CA 94103
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Submit requests for the Structural Advisory Committee.