Immigrant Rights Commission
We guide the City on issues and policies related to immigrants who live or work in San Francisco.
Immigrant Rights Commission
We guide the City on issues and policies related to immigrants who live or work in San Francisco.
Immigrant Leadership Awards
The Immigrant Rights Commission celebrated local immigrant rights leaders, supporters, and champions on Monday, June 10th at City Hall. Watch the event recordingCalendar
Recurring meetings
5:30 pm on the second Monday of each month
Meeting location
The Full Commission's regular meeting room is City Hall, Room 416.
Important links
All statements and resolutions by the Immigrant Rights Commission.
The Immigrant Rights Commission's guiding rules and bylaws.
Reports by the Immigrant Rights Commission
All meeting changes, cancellations, and special meetings outside of the Commission's regular schedule.
Information on your rights and how to access San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission meetings.
Every year, the San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission host the Immigrant Leadership Awards.
Our mission is to guide the Mayor and Board of Supervisors on issues and policies that impact immigrants who live or work in San Francisco. The commission consists of 15 voting members. The Board of Supervisors appoints 11 of those members. The Mayor appoints 4. At least 8 members must be immigrants to the United States. Each member of the Commission serves for a term of 2 years.
Partner Agencies
Contact information
Suite #100
San Francisco, CA 94103
Get directions