Healthy housing conditions
We help keep San Francisco housing healthy by protecting residents from vermin and lead poisoning.
Report a housing health issue
Contact 311 to report healthy housing issues connected to businesses, apartments, or other living and working spaces.Contact usServices
General housing issues
Report building or living condition problems for residential buildings including single room occupancy (SRO) hotels.
Report issues with an existing water service where there is no water or low water pressure
Learn how to deal with rodents, bedbugs, mosquitos, or pigeons are in your home or business.
You need to pay this annual fee if you own an apartment building with 3 or more rental units.
Submit a noise complaint or report active noise problems that are in violation of noise regulations.
What to do if you are concerned about asbestos in the building where you live or work.
Lead poisoning issues
Make a complaint to the Department of Building Inspection
Get help to find lead sources in your home and fix them.
Ask for an investigation and file a complaint of peeling paint.
Your property owner can apply for low to no cost fixes through the City program, Fix Lead SF.
Property owners can follow the steps to apply for the City-funded program.
General housing health information
It's your responsibility to prevent and deal with rodents, bed bugs, mosquitoes, and pigeons issues.
We inspect apartments, hotels, and emergency shelters to make sure they are safe, healthy, and free of vermin.
Find records of healthy housing complaints over the past five years.
Find records of hotel healthy housing complaints.
Resources to report, document, and deal with a vermin issue.
Learn how housing insecurity affects occupants, environmental health, and public health professionals.
In an effort to reduce the burden of asthma, Breathe California of the Bay Area, Golden Gate, and Central Coast offers a variety of health programs designed to educate children and families about the disease and allergies.
Lead poisoning resources
Health codes
Health code article on keeping and feeding animals.
Health code article on communicable diseases, prevention, and rodent control.
Health code article on nuisances and pests, violations, and enforcement.