Mental health and substance use disorder provider directories
Find a list of mental health and substance use disorder providers and their related services.
Provider Directories
Mental Health Services Provider Directory
The provider directory on mental health program information is intended to help clients find information about the health plan's in-network providers, including address, contact information, services, specialty, whether they're accepting new clients, and other details. Also available in Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese), Việt (Vietnamese), and русски (Russian).
The provider directory on mental health clinician information provides details on the health plan's clinicians such as their name, degree, languages spoken, license number, and more. Also available in Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese), Việt (Vietnamese), and русски (Russian).
Substance Use Disorder Services Provider Directory
The provider directory on substance use program information is intended to help clients find information about the health plan's in-network providers, including address, contact information, services, specialty, whether they're accepting new clients, and other details. Also available in Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese), Việt (Vietnamese), русски (Russian), and Tagalog.
The provider directory on substance use disorder clinician information provides details on the health plan's clinicians such as their name, degree, languages spoken, license number, and more. Also available in Español (Spanish), 中文 (Chinese), Việt (Vietnamese), русски (Russian), and Tagalog.