Workforce programs for the Dream Keeper Initiative

Business practices to support artists

  • Educates artists about best business practices that help to generate and sustain income
  • Assists artists with portfolio development, how to search for grants, internships, networking, establishing residency, and securing employment

Veterans Mural Alley Project

Community arts

  • Provides artists with skills and experiences to succeed in the art industry to display and improve their respective skill(s) in chosen artistic disciplines

San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company

Zaccho S.F.

Education and enrichment

  • Offers a blend of workforce and postsecondary programming to build a comprehensive retention- centered initiative for Black and African American students
  • Provides additional financial information and incentives for students to persist and complete their postsecondary education goals
  • Delivers wrap-around financial and educational services, including workshops, trainings, educational seminars, financial aid literacy support, assistance with academic tutoring, and academic advising
  • Offers multi-semester coursework to make Afrocentric education widely available to community members with interest in pursuing education on systemic racism
  • Provides a series of workshops to promote high-quality Afrocentric education and systemic racism to the community

100% College Prep
100% College Prep

Collective Impact
Community research training / post-secondary student support

Health services

  • Provides Transitional Age Youth (18-24) with a rigorous 4-month academy, learning high-level emergency medical technician skills
  • Offers mental health training pathways designed to meet the need for culturally responsive mental health and wellness services

Dusty's Fishing Well (City EMT)
EMT training program

Homeless Children's Network
Amani Mental Health Training Program

Industries of opportunity

  • Supports the Early Childhood Education, Teaching, Hospitality, African American Hair Care, and Cannabis sectors to create jobs and career pathways for local residents who have overcome barriers to employment
  • Connects low-income job seekers to employment in the Early Childhood Education, Teaching, Hospitality, African American Hair Care, and Cannabis sectors through job placement assistance and training opportunities

Children’s Council of San Francisco
Early childcare provider

National Coalition of 100 Black Women

Center for Equity and Success (Success Centers)

Medical care navigation