Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond Reports
2019 Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond
On November 5, 2019, over 71% of SF voters approved Proposition A, a $600 million General Obligation Bond for affordable housing, to finance the construction, acquisition, improvement, rehabilitation, preservation and repair of affordable housing for extremely-low, low, and middle income households.
2016 Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond
In November of 2016, the San Francisco voters authorized the City and County of San Francisco to repurpose existing bond authority, and issue up to $260.7 million of general obligation bonds to address critical housing needs, protect residents, and stabilize communities.
2015 Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond
In November 2015, over 74% of San Francisco voters approved Proposition A, a $310 million General Obligation Bond for affordable housing, to finance the construction, acquisition, improvement, rehabilitation, preservation and repair of affordable housing for low and middle income households.