Elizabeth Salveson


Civil Service Commission
Image of Elizabeth Salveson, Civil Service Commissioner

Appointed March 5, 2018 by Mayor Mark E. Farrell

Ms. Salveson served for 12 years as Chief Labor Attorney in the San Francisco City Attorney’s office (2004-2016), leading the team that represented the City during that period on labor and employment issues, including civil service issues. She continues to serve the City with her appointment as a Civil Service Commissioner in 2018.

Prior to her appointment as Chief Labor Attorney, she was a Director for 20 years at the law firm Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk & Rabkin in San Francisco (1984-2004), where she specialized in employment litigation and counseling. During her tenure with the firm, she served as Chair of the Employment Litigation & Counseling Group (1992-2004); Chair of the Litigation Department (1997-1999); and served terms on many other firm committees. She was an associate at the firm from 1978 until she became a Director.

During her professional career, Ms Salveson taught Employment Discrimination (2007-2009) and Civil Pretrial Practice (1996-1998) at UC Hastings College of the Law. As an active member of the San Francisco legal community, she served on several boards, including the Board of Equal Rights Advocates (1994-2002), the Board of Governors of the Association of Business Trial Lawyers for Northern California (2008-2015), and the Board of Directors for the Bar Association of San Francisco (2003-2005). Ms. Salveson continues to be an active member of the California Bar.

Ms. Salveson graduated with honors from UC Hastings College of the Law (1978). She received her B.A. degree from Occidental College.

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