Find tax credits and incentives for your business

Learn about local, state, and federal programs to help your business.


Tax credit for opening a physical location in designated areas in the City

New office-based businesses can receive a tax credit for opening a business with a physical location in certain neighborhoods.

Film production incentives
The SF Film Commission offers the "Scene in San Francisco" rebate program. Qualifying productions are eligible for a refund of all payroll tax and city fees up to $600,000 per production.

Commercial equipment replacement and purchase rebates
San Francisco Water Power and Sewer has several rebate programs. These help businesses get new equipment that will help them save money and water. 

Energy savings rebates
San Francisco Environment offers rebates to businesses to help them save money and energy. 

San Francisco Community Investment Fund
Grow your business or nonprofit and help the community.
Note: This grant is offered by a certified not-for-profit financial institution that is a legally-separate entity from the City and County of San Francisco.


California Competes Credit
The California Competes Tax Credit is available to businesses that want to come to California or stay and grow in California.

Manufacturing and Research and Development Exemption
The Manufacturing and Research and Development Equipment Exemption is a partial tax exemption for eligible equipment purchases and leases.

New Employment Credit (NEC)
The NEC is available to qualified taxpayers that have hired a full-time employee on or after January 1, 2014 and paid wages for work by that employee.

California Grants Portal
The State of California has many grant opportunities for businesses and nonprofits. 

California Business Investment Guide
A guide for businesses to find money and help from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. 

A full list of state business tax credits can be found on the Franchise Tax Board's website.


Employee Retention Tax Credit
The ERTC is a refundable tax credit that rewards businesses up to $26,000 per employee. It was expanded to provide more financial relief to a larger group of employers.

Historic Preservation Tax Credit
This tax incentive aims to support the preservation of historic buildings.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is an income tax credit for employers who hire employees from eligible groups including youth, ex-offenders, and public assistance recipients.

A full list of federal business tax credits can be found on the Internal Revenue Service's website.