San Francisco's DJJ Realignment Plan

San Francisco's DJJ Realignment Plan

In 2020, California voted to close the state's youth prison system: the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). Counties are now responsible for supporting the needs of young people who were previously eligible for DJJ commitments. Read San Francisco's plan for how we will care for these young people.Read the full plan

The DJJ Realignment Subcommittee voted to adopt the following key elements of San Francisco’s DJJ Realignment Plan:

Plan for the Secure Youth Treatment Facility

  • Use Juvenile Hall as San Francisco’s interim Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF) and revise the SYTF plan once City leadership makes decisions regarding San Francisco’s place of detention and the replacement of Juvenile Hall

  • Recommend to City leadership to consider co-locating San Francisco’s Secure Youth Treatment Facility and its future place of detention

  • San Francisco’s Secure Youth Treatment Facility should be healing-centered, family-centered, community-connected, and culturally responsive

  • Enable youth to be placed in out of county Secure Youth Treatment Facilities as appropriate.

Proposed use of Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant funds

  • Invest in the following programming to support justice involved youth on probation, in out of home placement, and in the Secure Youth Treatment Facility:

    • Credible messenger life coaches

    • Whole family support programs, including flexible, direct funding to young people and their families

    • Collective training for all system stakeholders and partners.

  • Inside the Secure Youth Treatment Facility, invest in:

    • Flexible funding for personalized programming and support

    • Education, including 2 and 4 year college, intensive tutoring, and support

    • Workforce, including certification opportunities and vocational support

    • Behavioral health and wellness, including indigenous, nontraditional approaches

    • Parenting, for young parents in the Secure Youth Treatment Facility

    • Substance abuse, including harm reduction and holistic approaches

    • Reentry and transition, including life skills and financial literacy support.