Angela Tamayo

SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West

WISF Board Member
Workforce Investment San Francisco (WISF) Board
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Angela currently serves as a Digital Organizer for the Service Employees International Union- United Healthcare Workers-West (SEIU-UHW). Prior to joining SEIU-UHW, Angela spent six years with Kaiser Permanente as a Teleservice Representative where she was also a rank and file member of SEIU-UHW. As a SEIU-UHW leader, Angela joined SEIU-UHW’s Workforce Development Committee, which aims to prepare the unions 95,000 members for future and emerging jobs within the rapidly changing healthcare industry.

Angela lives in the Outer Sunset District with her Husband, Robert.

Contact Angela Tamayo

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Contact Workforce Investment San Francisco (WISF) Board

Workforce Division1 South Van Ness Avenue
5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
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Workforce Division415-701-4817
TDD/ TTY 800-735-2929 / 711 (CRS)