
CityBuild provides comprehensive pre-apprenticeship and construction administration training to San Francisco residents. It is an internationally-recognized model for creating opportunities and careers for residents through local projects.

Smiling female construction worker

Learn. Build. Earn.

Apply for CityBuild and begin your new career in construction or construction administration with free hands-on training.Learn more

Meet the team

Headshot of Ken Nim
Ken NimDirector of Workforce Development (Interim)Director of CityBuild

Compliance Team

Ricardo Arias headshot
Ricardo AriasContract Compliance Officer
Emily Chea headshot
Emily CheaContract Compliance Officer
Tajuana GrayContract Compliance Officer
Lilli MoralesContract Compliance Officer
AJ ThomasContract Compliance Officer
Alana ToliverContract Compliance Officer
Joyce S. Wong headshot
Joyce S. WongContract Compliance Officer

Employment Liaison

Larry ChewCommunity Development Specialist
Richard FukuharaCommunity Development Specialist
Janet GomesCitybuild Operations Manager
Joshua HarrisonEmployment Liaison and Training Specialist
Kenneth HoEmployment Training Specialist
Judy Sorro headshot
Judy SorroSenior Workforce Development Specialist
Michiko Wagner headshot
Michiko WagnerCommunity Development Specialist
Julia HernandezCommunity Development Specialist

CityBuild Academy

Chase TorresSenior Employment Liaison and Training Specialist
Alfonso GutierrezCommunity Development Specialist

Contact information

Workforce Development Division415-701-4817
Ask for a CityBuild specialist.
Social media

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