Rachel Herbert

Founder and President, Park Café Group

Small Business Commission
Commissioner Rachel Herbert

Rachel Herbert is the owner of the Park Café Group, which includes Dolores Park Café, Duboce Park Café, Precita Park Café, and Paradise Park Café. Rachel opened Dolores Park Café in 1997 after many years of working in the restaurant industry.  The San Francisco Business Times named the Park Café Group one of the top 25 LBGT-Owned businesses every year from 2015-2019. The Park Café Group is an active part of the San Francisco LBGTQ community providing support to organizations such as Project Open Hand, Art for AIDS, and the Frameline film festival.

Rachel is an avid supporter of the arts, serving on the Board of the San Francisco Neighborhood Theater Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and maintaining the City’s last remaining neighborhood cinemas. She also serves as a jury member for the annual Art for AIDS auction and has been an active member in both the Mission and Castro Merchants Associations.’

As a Board Member of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association since 2015, Rachel has been a voice for bay area restaurant owners. As a Small Business Commissioner, she looks forward to shaping policies that impact all of San Francisco’s small businesses.

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City Hall1 Dr Carlton B. Goodlett Place
Room 140
San Francisco, CA 94102
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Kerry Birnbach, Commission Secretary