Employer responsibilities in San Francisco

Small Business Meeting

Understand your responsibilities

As a San Francisco employer, you are responsible for offering certain protections to your employees. You also must make sure your employees are aware of their rights. Learn about San Francisco labor laws and how to comply as an employer.

We're here to help

Learn about labor laws

You must follow San Francisco's labor laws if you have either:

  • Workers in San Francisco, or
  • Contracts or leases with the City

Read below to find out which laws apply to you.

Visit our Resource Library

To help make San Francisco's labor laws easier to understand, we've created several resources for you. Check out our Resource Library to find:

  • Labor law videos
  • Slide decks from trainings
  • Other resources

Meet compliance requirements

Be sure to read individual law pages to understand their specific compliance requirements. Also be aware that you may need to:

Find out which laws apply to you

If you have questions about labor laws, reach out to us for help. We speak English, Spanish, Cantonese, Filipino, and more.

If you have workers in San Francisco

You are responsible for the following laws:

If you have at least 5 employees, you are responsible for all laws listed above AND

If you have at least 20 employees, you are responsible for all laws listed above AND:

If you have at least 100 employees, you are responsible for all laws listed above AND:

If you are a chain store, you are responsible for all laws listed above AND:

If you have a contract or lease with the City

You are responsible for the following laws:


The Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OLSE) enforces San Francisco labor laws. We help employers follow those laws and help workers file complaints if their rights have been violated.

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