Department of Emergency Management
DEM manages San Francisco's every day and not-so-everyday emergencies. DEM also helps everyone in San Francisco know how to prepare for emergencies, and what to do to be safe during one.
Department of Emergency Management
DEM manages San Francisco's every day and not-so-everyday emergencies. DEM also helps everyone in San Francisco know how to prepare for emergencies, and what to do to be safe during one.
Prepare for disasters at
The first 72 hours of a disaster are the most critical. Be prepared.Go to SF72.orgServices
When you call 911, stay on the line. Tell us your address, cross street, and what’s happening.
Request the transcript, recording, and records related to a 911 call in San Francisco.
Apply today to start a rewarding career as a 911 dispatcher!
Become a dispatcher
Personal preparedness
Find resources to help you prepare for hazards and natural disasters.
Use AlertSF, Twitter, Nextdoor and Facebook to get alerted about emergencies in San Francisco.
Program aims to strengthen citywide resilience by equipping community-serving organizations to maintain service during times of extreme weather. City Now provides real time information during a special event or emergency.
For organizations
As part of its emergency management program, Department of Emergency Management maintains a number of City-wide emergency plans to ensure that the City is ready to respond to a variety of threats and hazards.
DEM's emergency operations monitor city events and manage emergency resources to match the scale of the incident.
Bay Area emergency preparedness grants help regional capacity to prevent, prevent, and respond to emergencies.
Request a short presentation on disaster preparedness from the Department of Emergency Management.
Request brochures, handouts, and other materials to help you prepare for the next big emergency.
Request a Senior Leader from the Department of Emergency Management to speak at a conference, symposium, or panel.
San Francisco Department of Emergency Management (SF DEM) staff are available to meet with peer organizations to share best practices and lessons learned.
Required Posting
The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management complies with Federal civil rights laws and is committed to providing its programs and services without discrimination. It is against the law for the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management to retaliate against anyone who takes action to oppose discrimination, files a grievance, or participates in the investigation of a grievance in accordance with the authorities.
The City and County of San Francisco values privacy and protection of San Francisco residents’ civil rights and civil liberties. As required by San Francisco Administrative Code, Section 19B, the Surveillance Technology Policy aims to ensure the responsible use of Department’s Security Camera System itself as well as any associated data, and the protection of City and County of San Francisco residents’ civil rights and liberties.
The City and County of San Francisco values privacy and protection of San Francisco residents’ civil rights and civil liberties. As required by San Francisco Administrative Code, Section 19B, the Surveillance Technology Policy aims to ensure the responsible use of gunshot detection hardware and services as well as any associated data, and the protection of City and County of San Francisco residents’ civil rights and liberties.
The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management (DEM) leads the City in planning, preparedness, communication, response, and recovery for daily emergencies, large scale citywide events, and major disasters. In charge of the city's 911 dispatch center and large-scale emergency operations, DEM is the vital link in emergency communication between the public and first responders, and provides key coordination and leadership to City departments, stakeholders, residents, and visitors.
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San Francisco, CA 94102
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