About Adult Probation Department

Our Mission

Protect and Serve the Community, Further Justice, Inspire Change, and Prioritize Racial Equity so that all People May Thrive.

Our vision

The San Francisco Adult Probation Department achieves excellence in community corrections, public safety and public service through the integration of Evidence Based Practices and a victim centered approach into our supervision strategies. We collaborate with law enforcements, Courts, Department of Public Health, victim organizations and community based organizations to provide a unique blend of enforcement, justice and treatment. We are leaders in our profession, exemplifying the highest standards. We extend a continuum of integrated services to address our probationers’ criminogenic needs and empower them to become productive law-abiding citizens.

Our values

P.R.O.T.E.C.T. our community

Protect: We value protection of the residents of the City and County of San Francisco.

Respect: We value respect and personal wellness for ourselves, each other and all members of the community.

Opportunities: We value providing opportunities for offender rehabilitation, improved public safety, victim restoration, and maximizing officer and employee potential.

Teamwork: We value teamwork and cooperation through partnerships with all justice and community stakeholders.

Ethics: We value impartiality, accountability, diversity, professionalism and a strong work ethic.

Commitment: We value our commitment to Public Safety and Public Service.

Trust: We value the trust placed in us by the public we serve and perform out duties with integrity and possess the skills set unique to our profession through systematic integration of Evidence Based Principles.

Our divisions

Investigations Unit

Our division prepares investigative reports and other documents for the courts.

Community Supervision and Specialized Service Division

Our division helps people who experience domestic violence and young adults ages between 18 and 25.

Community Supervision Services Division

We provide services and supervision to probationers who have had a history of violence-related activities, property offenses or are first time in the criminal justice system.

Intensive Supervision Services Division

We provide intensive supervision for sex offenders and other supervision for less serious crimes.

Court Services Division

We provide treatment services to people with substance abuse problems.

Reentry Division

We are a behavioral health-focused, multi-services one-stop clinical reentry center. 

Our partner agencies

Other agencies